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In African mythology, the hare is a clever creature that gifted humanity with the village, the drum, and music. It’s very difficult to count savanna hares in the wild, mostly because it’s difficult to distinguish from the Cape hare. However, scientists are confident that savanna hares are abundant. In some areas of their range

Go to the African Wildlife Foundation's website to donate to wildlife conservation, which helps to fight against poachers, destruction of the environment, and human conflicts between animals and locals close to the various national parks. Their website also keeps you updated on the various political advances and decisions about the illegal wildlife trade, wildlife conservation in Africa and other news related to help Africa's rare and unique wildlife.
Here is a video that explains the purpose of the organization and the risks that most of the African wildlife today face and what we can do to help the wildlife that we care so much about.
Here is a direct link to the site where you can donate and learn about the animals you see in-game and their situation in Africa:

In 1970, a rhino poaching epidemic began that hit black rhino populations severely. The crisis continued to deplete populations right through to the early 1990s, so much so that by 1993, there were only 2,475 black rhinos left in the world. Our founders and rhino enthusiasts, Dave Stirling and Johnny Roberts took themselves on a ‘Rhino Scramble’ across Africa, raising money and meeting many rhino conservationists along the way.
Since 2001, Save the Rhino has grown from a small charity raising £300,000 a year, to where we are today, raising around £2,000,000 for programs in six African and two Asian countries, for all five species of rhino.
Here is a video that explains exposes the dangers rhino face today and how to stop the poaching on the five remaining species:
Donate here:
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