In African mythology, the hare is a clever creature that gifted humanity with the village, the drum, and music. It’s very difficult to count savanna hares in the wild, mostly because it’s difficult to distinguish from the Cape hare. However, scientists are confident that savanna hares are abundant. In some areas of their range
1 - NO intentional feeding (you killing yourself/someone letting you kill them/them killing themselves to have food as a carnivore). [#Strike 2]
2 - You CAN corpse guard no matter your aggression level.
3 - Only one corpse can be guarded by each loner/Clan/pack/Pride. [#Warning]
4 - If any other carnivore or scavenger attempts to eat or steal your corpse, you may kill them ONLY AFTER giving them a
warning (mock attack, circling, biting at the air, using body language, or using your roars) and they do not leave. [#Strike 1]
5 - When you had your fill as a carnivore on a corpse you can stay around for a couple of minutes but when that period is over you have to leave it for other carnivores to eat it. [#Warning/#Strike 1]
6 - You are not allowed to overeat bodies just because you want your competition to starve. [#Strike 2]
7 - Some animals are cannibalistic, but if they're not you are not allowed to eat or hunt your species (it will be in the profile if you are a cannibalistic animal) Remember cannibalism is a very desperate move for food consider it as a last resort for the species concerned. [#Warning]
8 - Do not share the food with other carnivores that is considered care bearing. [#Warning/#Strike 1]
9 - When you die as a predator you will have to automatically go for an herbivore to increase herbivore pop. [#Warning/#Strike 1]
10 - Avoid eating other carnivores unless you are very low on your base hunger otherwise don't, it needs to be a desperate move for food. [#Warning]
11 - When protecting your food or share of it make sure you do not injure yourself in the process and avoid sparking a full-on fight, even against competitors always try to intimidate before fighting if you are around the same weight power.

1 - You can only hunt if you are hungry, and by that, I mean when your food meter is missing at least 70 % (a quarter) of hunger. However, if you stumble upon an easy meal, you can take the opportunity and kill it, but it still needs to be on your prey list to kill that animal. [#Strike 2].
- If you fail your hunt for whatever reason there is no reason to continue to target the same animals who overpowered you, so leave them and retry on another animal or group or just wait for a better opportunity to present itself. If you are a predator who lost the element of surprise and needs it to properly kill that animal, you must leave their line of sight so that you can try again. [#Strike 1]
2 - The prey list in the species profile is an indication of the main prey your animal hunts, the resorts mentioned in it mean you're more likely to go for those animals than others, for example, Solitary cheetahs prefer to go for Thomson's gazelles than Grant's gazelles. When the resorts mention prides/clans/coalitions/packs it's the same concept, the groups will likely go for the 1st resort than the 2nd resort's choices. --- If you can hunt a full adult of a species that means you are able to hunt a juvenile individual of that species. When it comes to ambush predators, you have to get out of the line of sight of your prey before hunting again if you failed your hunt. [#Warning/#Strike 1]
3 - If you spot prey and you are a social animal do not mention it to your packmates, they need to realize it themselves you can wait for them and do movements that would get their attention (For example you looking off into the distance and start moving off) ------ but otherwise stay quiet and don't say "there is something over there but I am not going to say anything" you just blow it up. When it comes to food it's different lions and painted wolves are very social with each other and give each other support but hyenas on the other end won't call out for more members unless it's needed to fend off the owner of the carcass, to give food to their cubs or to scare off another predator [#Strike 1]/[#Strike 2]
4 - You are not allowed as any carnivore to stack food in one place, eat what you need. You are allowed however to come back to your old kill and reclaim it. [#Warning]
5 - When hunting you will always try to take your prey by surprise, even if you're not a particularly sneaky animal (Hyena, painted wolf) try you're best to not be spotted from very far. ----- If Lions or leopards have been spotted by their prey from a reasonably far distance they will give up on the hunt and will have to retry later and go for another target that didn't spot them. However, if the target in question is injured/slow/weak and cannot run away you are allowed to go after it again. [#Strike 1]
Note: Lions are an exception to this rule when they are hunting large prey animals (Elephant, Buffalo, Giraffe) or leading their prey into an ambush, however, if say a lion with no ambush plans or not hunting big prey animals has been spotted it will give up on the hunt.
6 - When hunting always try to go for the easiest target (Juvi, Injured, sick ... etc). [#Warning]
7 - When hunting the most important thing is your stamina and your health. You're out of stamina you have to retreat, and abandon the hunt if you're a solitary animal or in the case of social hunters stay in the back and let other members take it for you, same goes for health you are very injured back off wait to heal and come back into action. If the whole group is tired and low health you should all back off. There is strictly no need to lose your life for a meal that is not guaranteed you'll get especially if you're injured because you were too bold. [#Warning/#Strike 1]
9 - If one member of your Pack/Pride/Clan dies during a hunt or in a rival fight you have to back off and try to hunt something else, the people who keep attacking despite that occurring will get punishment. [#Strike 1]
10 - Before hunting anything make sure you don't see any dead bodies around that you can eat. Certain animals prefer not to scavenge at all (Painted wolves, Cheetahs, Caracals, Servals, African wild cats) or take the chance of eating very putrid carcasses (Lions, Leopards and also includes the one above as well) [#Warning]
11 - If you are surrounding something take your time, your prey isn't going to charge directly because if it wants to hit; it will do it with precision and you should too. The more careful you are the more you have a chance to get out of this hunt with a meal and minimum to no injuries.
Scavenger lists:
- Marabou stork
- Black-backed jackal
- Lappet-faced vulture
- White-backed vulture
- White-headed vulture
- Ruppell's griffon vulture
1 - You can't corpse guard against predators bigger or stronger than you. [#Warning]
2 - As a scavenger, you can't challenge a large carnivore for food, you will have to wait until the carnivore had its fill but you can still try to get close and try to get a nibble at your own risk. [#Warning]
3 - If a Predator chases you away from a corpse do not show any aggression, just wait. [#Warning]
4 - Scavengers will only corpse guard their own kills against other scavengers.