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In African mythology, the hare is a clever creature that gifted humanity with the village, the drum, and music. It’s very difficult to count savanna hares in the wild, mostly because it’s difficult to distinguish from the Cape hare. However, scientists are confident that savanna hares are abundant. In some areas of their range

The African Cheetah may be the weakest in terms of strength in comparison to other large carnivores but its success rate shows that this predator is more successful than it's bigger cat cousins. It's the social structure and hunting techniques are easy to learn and his reactions to other predators are practical all the same with some small minor differences. Overhaul the cheetah is a very good starting point for Newbies to learn the basics of regular carnivores in the ecosystem.

The African lion is the second apex carnivore of its ecosystem, Therefore it doesn't fear many things, but the downside to playing as one is that African lions have a very "lazy and stressful" lifestyle. It is not being very active during most gameplay and males have very stressful and short lives. Aside from that Lions are a fun social animal to play for a selected group of people enjoying a powerful and "The Big Cat" lifestyle. Regardless it's a very complex animal and you should be very mindful when using it.

The African leopard is the fourth predator in the food chain and is a relatively shy and reserved predator, preferring highly dense forested areas over most of the predators in the roster. Despite being the opposite of most predators, leopards do share a lot of similarities with large predators. These animals usually require the player to be extremely stealthy and being a medium-sized predators does have some complex predators and reactions.
Feline Profiles

The African wild cat is the runt of the cat family in the roster, very similar to your regular house cat. Nocturnal and small-sized, these small predators hunt very small prey under the cover of night time and adopt a similar behavior to our domestic cats during the day. This species is a very easy animal to play and can also to teach you the basics of being a predator living in the shadows of the bigger more iconic predators of the African plains.

The Caracal Cat is almost the same size as it's cousin the Serval cat and hunts almost the exact same prey type like it. However, the caracal cat prefers dry areas with some cover in comparison with its close relative the serval. Caracals prefer to hunt larger prey than servals, targetting young antelopes, hares, and small-medium sized birds such as guineafowls. However, it remains at the exact same place in the food chain as servals do and will react exactly the same way as servals do. This carnivore is great for players wanting to learn the basics of predators which give an insight into larger carnivores.

The Serval Cat is a medium-sized cat inhabiting the large open grasslands of the Serengeti, preferring to hunt rodents, small birds, and amphibians. Serval cats remaining relatively low in the food chain serval cats avoid conflicts with most animals larger than itself, but with it's small size and behavior not being too complex serval cats make a great carnivore from which Newbies can learn the basics of predator behavior and lifestyle.
Hyena and Canid Profiles

The aardvark is a lesser known species of insectivore of the savanna but plays a major role in the creation of burrows which are necessary for multiple species to breed and shelter once abandoned by them. Due to them being the primary digger in the game they can create large burrows around the map influencing dynamics around predators such as Spotted hyenas and Painted wolves. Nocturnal and very much solitary Aardvark allows for nice relaxing gameplay experience for everyone while also helping the ecosystem of the server to be more interesting and dynamic.

The bat-eared fox is a small insectivore canine that has a social structure much resembling that of jackals. They have a nocturnal lifestyle which allows them to see very well in the dark and enabling to forage for food during those dark hours of the day. They are a great small mammals for starters and experienced members who want to have fun chill gameplay as these little guys

The black-backed jackal is a low-tier carnivore in the ecosystem primarily labeled as a scavenger but also a very opportunistic hunter. They avoid conflict with most animals in the ecosystem. Still, its small size and not too-complex social behavior allow for an excellent chill gameplay session with friends and newbies trying to learn the ropes for carnivore behavior and lifestyle.

The Painted wolf rises as a mid-tier mammalian carnivore who has a very varied diet and is a hyper-social animal. These animals are a very good choice for players who wish to have access to powerful pack animal and yet has a very complex behavior. It has also the highest rate in hunting success than any other large mammalian predator. Overhaul the Painted wolf is a great animal to play as for members of the server and allows for fun and a socially active group of players.

The spotted hyena the second largest predator in the ecosystem after the lion. They are a highly complex species in their social organization, hunting strategies that only can be controlled by skilled players who know the profile well, just like painted wolves. It has a wide range of targetable prey and can stand up to almost any carnivore in the game allowing for one of the efficient most powerful animal in the game.
Avian Profiles

The African fish eagle is a large predatory raptor that is primarily a fisher who prefers to live near large bodies of water such as rivers and lakes. These raptors are easily one of the most enjoyable raptor species to play as and differ vastly in gameplay from other eagle species. It is a very nice animal to play with for all members who enjoy nice chill gameplay with an animal that can throw its weight around regardless.

The Bateleur eagles are pretty much like Wahlberg's eagles in the food chain except they have a small tail that hinders them from venturing too high in the sky which makes them a specialist more so than other eagles and due to their size they can target slightly larger mammal prey than the Wahlberg's eagle. They also tend to scavenge more so than other eagles which makes them a more wooded-based opportunistic eagle species much like the tawny eagle.

The brown snake eagle as the name suggests primarily hunts snakes and small reptiles but is not only limited to those, they can also hunt small mammals and birds. This eagle species is perfect for those who would like to play a more specialized eagle species like the African fish eagle but in a much smaller size.
Raptorid Profiles

The Lanner is the smallest raptor in the playable roster, which makes as a specialist hunter like the brown snake eagle, but instead of reptiles this raptor hunts primarily bird species and small mammals. It is also the fastest flying bird in the roster when diving and doesn't present a challenge to play for most players, so if the ecosystem a bird hunter you know where to look.

The Lappet-faced vulture is by far the largest eagle in Africa and that position gives them the upper hand in fighting other vultures and scavengers on a carcass scene, although they are not entirely scavengers but also hunters which can potentially take on small-sized mammals. This vulture species will give you the opportunity to dominate the scavenger bird peeking order.

The Martial eagle is the biggest eagle species and by the far most powerful available to play and in Africa. It hunts primarily birds and mammals of varying sizes and make their homes in woodlands and open grasslands. These powerful birds are a good choice for players who just upped member and want to experience a very powerful and deadly flying bird.

The Ruppell's griffon vulture is quite common in the Serengeti ecosystem but is by far one of the less common species of vulture in Africa, much like the white-backed t possesses one of the best places in the peeking order around a carcass among the many scavenger birds and aside from a few differences in behavior, it's very much a reskined white-backed in-game and enjoyable by many.

The Secretary bird is an odd ground-dwelling bird, known to use its deadly feet and claws to kick to death its prey such as snakes and rodents. If you wish to play a powerful ground-dwelling bird species that primarily hunts in the grasslands then this species is perfect for you.

The Tawny Eagle is a grassland-based predatory raptor that acts both as a scavenger bird and a hunter, much like the bald eagle of North America. It offers players a perfect mix between a powerful, fast, and efficient hunter of mammals and birds; combined with the ability for it to scavenge if the opportunity presents itself.

The Verreaux's eagle owl is the only playable nocturnal bird species in the game, which makes it a very unique animal to play for players who may want to spice up their gameplay experience. This owl species is also a powerful predator able to take down various small mammal species like monkeys, rodents, and even very small ungulates. This allows for the Verreaux's eagle owl to stand out amongst the roster of many raptor species.

The Wahlberg's eagle is a small eagle species that is very much a smaller tawny eagle primarily a hunter rather than an occasional scavenger than tawny eagles. Due to their small size, they generally don't hunt large things and result to hunt birds, small reptiles, and small mammals. This eagle is perfect for those who would want to avoid being large predators and would rather target Ai creatures for the most part.

The White-backed vulture is the most common vulture species in Africa but is far from being the smallest of them, therefore it possesses one of the best places in the peeking order around a carcass among the many scavenger birds in the ecosystem. Its behavior is rather simple and allows for new players and advanced players alike to experience a typical scavenger bird with no real hard understanding of its behavior.
Stork and Waterbird Profiles

Cattle egrets unlike herons have unique gameplay which allows them to get up close and personal with large mammalian herbivores to get access to food and protection from predators. As herbivores move through wet environments like Lake Ndutu or Masek these trigger the flight instincts of insects and amphibians these birds feed on. They can also rest on the back of their hosts in order to be protected from predators as well as getting a unique mode of transport.

The Bateleur eagles are pretty much like Wahlberg's eagles in the food chain except they have a small tail that hinders them from venturing too high in the sky which makes them a specialist more so than other eagles and due to their size they can target slightly larger mammal prey than the Wahlberg's eagle. They also tend to scavenge more so than other eagles which makes them a more wooded-based opportunistic eagle species much like the tawny eagle.

The Goliath heron is the biggest heron species in the ecosystem and is also a powerful bird for solo players to play if they would like to be a strong powerful bird-based fisher. Providing a challenge for any stork or fish eagle dominating a body of water.

Although rarer, due to their habitat preference, great white pelicans can be found inhabiting large bodies of water such as lakes or rivers during the wet season. These large fishers are quite efficient in catching large quantities of fish with their large pouched beaks.

Although rarer, due to their habitat preference, great white pelicans can be found inhabiting large bodies of water such as lakes or rivers during the wet season. These large fishers are quite efficient in catching large quantities of fish with their large pouched beaks.

Flamingos are well-known for displaying themselves in brightly pink colored plumage and living in large flocks of up to hundreds of individuals. However, due to the rarity of large bodies of water in the Serengeti large flocks are quite rare and are only observed in Lake Ndutu or Masek and not in the numbers you'd expect. Regardless of their filtering feeding behaviors and popularity as an animal is sure to provide fun gameplay with other players.

Marabou storks are large birds with absurd-looking appearances, they're bald, tall, and quite frankly disgusting looking for the majority of people. Despite that Marabou give one of the most unique playstyles in the entire roster, being an efficient fisher while also a scavenger and an occasional hunter for mammals and reptile. This bird is sure to be a fun animal to fly around for anyone willing to experience a wide variety of feeding behaviors.

Reed Cormorants provide a unique gameplay mechanic for all players who enjoy fishing in-game. These graceful birds dive into the water and catch fish like seagulls or other marine hunters. They usually prefer hunting on river shores.

At first glance, you wouldn't think this little bird would be able to do much aside from hunting small insects and you would be partially right at that. Oxpeckers actually prefer to hunt their prey on the backs of large mammalian herbivores that are infested by ticks, mites, and other parasites and help clean their hosts. They can also feed off large cuts or injuries by eating the scabs or drinking their blood making them a plague and a helper at the same time.

Saddle-billed stork is a large bird that is primarily a fisher and is a rather solitary bird aside from breeding pairs, it resembles the yellow-billed stork in hunting behaviors. They are chill birds to play with and if you like large birds and fishing birds this is the perfect bird to pick from if you don't like the other storks. The patterning is also quite unique and striking making stands out a lot as a bird species and as a stork in the playable roster.

Saddle-billed stork is a large bird that is primarily a fisher and is a rather solitary bird aside from breeding pairs, it resembles the yellow-billed stork in hunting behaviors. They are chill birds to play with and if you like large birds and fishing birds this is the perfect bird to pick from if you don't like the other storks. The patterning is also quite unique and striking making stands out a lot as a bird species and as a stork in the playable roster.

The African Rock Python is the only snake available in the roster for you to play. This powerful constrictor snake makes for a very simple gameplay strategy that mainly focuses on catching prey, enrolling them, and then crushing them to devour them. This slow predator isn't for everyone to enjoy playing as and you'll find that very few people will enjoy its gameplay.

The Nile crocodile is the biggest carnivorous animal that you'll be able to play with in-game, Its powerful jaw and immense size allow it to tackle almost any large prey the ecosystem has to offer. However, it is not to be taken lightly as these animals have very slow lifestyles which may not be suitable for all players to play but it will no doubt be a very popular animal for migration events.

The African leopard is the fourth predator in the food chain and is a relatively shy and reserved predator, preferring highly dense forested areas over most of the predators in the roster. Despite being the opposite of most predators, leopards do share a lot of similarities with large predators. These animals usually require the player to be extremely stealthy and being a medium-sized predators does have some complex predators and reactions.
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