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In African mythology, the hare is a clever creature that gifted humanity with the village, the drum, and music. It’s very difficult to count savanna hares in the wild, mostly because it’s difficult to distinguish from the Cape hare. However, scientists are confident that savanna hares are abundant. In some areas of their range

1 - Do NOT KOS ( Killing on sight ) / KFS (Kill for sport) [#Strike 3/#Kick]
2 - Do NOT carebear (Protecting another species that is not your own) (Note: Large herbivores can get stressed if a large predator is killing a prey by them which may result in them removing the hunter(s) off their kills more info in African buffalo, Black rhinoceros, African bush elephant, and Hippopotamus species profiles) [#Strike 3/#Kick]
3 - Do NOT corpse guard as an herbivore (prevent a carnivore from eating a corpse) for extended periods of time or water guard as any other animal (preventing an animal from drinking from a water source) [#Strike 2]
4 - Do NOT revenge kill, just because your friend died doesn't mean that you have the right to kill the person that killed them over and over again. [#Strike 3/#Kick]
5 - READ the SPECIES PROFILES; Those profiles teach you how to act as one of the many animals that you can play in Wild Savanna. They talk about the general behavior of the animals, the habitat, prey, and predators, and some general real-life facts about the animal. They are one of the most important aspects of the realism server and if you haven't read them there will be very strong punishments depending on how much of the profile you haven't followed [#Warning/#Strike 1,2, 3/#Kick]
6 - GET IN YOUR SPECIES VC: When you are playing a species of any kind you need to be in the right VC (voice chat) for the staff to identify how many people are on the server, check the population for the different species and to help us for the in-game reports. If one VC is full for one species that means you can't be it or can't join the group of a specific animal. (NOTE We don't need you to talk; you can just mute yourself with the mic button) [#Warning]
7 - Your Discord name needs to have your ROBLOX name so it's easier for staff members to identify you. [None]
8 - You are not allowed to commit suicide on this server you can respawn by using the K button [#Warning]
9 - As a terrestrial animal, you are NOT allowed to sprint or run for that matter to get to a certain area faster. You will have to walk to the area you want to go, however, if you are a solitary animal you are allowed to speed up the process by trotting but only for short distances. However here are the only reasons why you would be trotting, running, or sprinting:
- Trotting: All terrestrial animals are allowed to use trot whenever they want, however, if they are traveling it's more advised to walk if you are alone and trotting, it should be just to speed up the process of traveling not as the main speed of migration so please walk and sometimes yes trot and you can also do it if you were looking for water and you found a waterhole or were looking for food and you found a carcass.
- Running/Canter: All of the medium-sized antelopes (Hartebeest, Topi, Wildebeest, Waterbuck, and Oryx) are allowed to run for short distances when migrating with a herd, however for those animals and all the other terrestrial animals here are the reasons why you would be running; being chased by something; you being scared; you finding food and you're starving; you play fighting; you fighting, and, catch up to your group if you are quite far from it or reuniting with it and finally you chasing something.
- Sprinting: It's used for the following situations: being chased by something; you being scared; you fighting and finally you chasing something. (Note: Sprint should be used as a last resort for all its utilities, mainly because realistically an animal would use its maximum speed and stamina for almost life-and-death situations so be careful with it.) [Warning/Strike 2]
10 - Spawn Killing is NOT allowed [#Strike 1]
11 - All the animals in our server have an aggression level the higher it gets the more it's aggressive, the aggression level of the animal also defines how aggressive it is with the animals that are in its interspecific competition list. The aggression level for every animal is in its profile. [#Warning/#Strike 1]
12 - Anything weird and considered not realistic ( ex: two lions jumping over and over in one place for no reason, spinning, or even jumping in place) is against this rule. [#Warning/Strike 1]
13 - You cannot give your location to another player that isn't your species. This rule applies even if you are the same species and even if you are in the same group (use the appropriate calls and scent in order to find each other) [#Warning]
14 - You cannot give the location of a corpse. Even if you want to give the location to your group to find you, use your calls and scent to locate each other otherwise keep the location private.
15 - You cannot give the location of another player to another player. This rule applies even if you are in the same group altogether. [#Strike 1]
16 - You cannot tell players within your group that are you starting to move, they need to realize this all on their own.
17 - Do not use your calls and emotes for no reason, they have a purpose, use them when you need them. [#Warning]
18 - Keep the in-game chat in English and only talk in the chatbox when it's needed (meaning don't start having random conversations) and put "/me" at the start of each of your messages only staff members are allowed to talk without "/me" if needed. [None/#Warning]
19 - When fighting something try to keep it realistic, if your only option is to fight and it's for your life or to protect your territory, your food, your mate, or your offspring, sure that's fair but only as a last resort. Consider when playing you have one life and that life should not be wasted when you could've ran or intimidate.
20 - You are not allowed to cheat or exploit a bug to your advantage either. [#Strike 3/#Kick]
21 - You are not allowed in any type of fight ( hunts, rival fights ... etc) to rest to regain stamina. [#Strike 1]
22 - The ecosystem (Animals interacting with each other and their environment) on the server must be balanced, otherwise no one will enjoy the server, nothing interesting will happen or some players might starve. It's important that the online community works together to keep the ecosystem balanced. You not wanting to switch when most people did to keep it balanced is a sign of selfishness and is punishable. A balanced ecosystem, for example, is always a superior number of prey than predators (Aside from the animals that can feed on AI), but you gotta take into account that it's not just switching diets, it's also switching depending on what's currently on. For example, if you have 2 leopards as the only carnivores you will most likely go for Impala since it's a pretty good food source for leopards.
23 - Kopjes (Large rock formations) are only to be climbed by the following animals: African lion, African Leopard, African cheetah, Olive baboon, African rock python, Black Mamba, Caracal, Serval, and all bird species (except Guineafowl, Pelican, Lesser flamingo, Ostrich, ... etc)
Though other animals can stay on the rather lower parts of them but don't climb to higher parts of it, these animals are: Painted wolf, Spotted hyena, Black-Backed Jackal, Bat-eared fox, Crested Porcupine [#Warning]
24 - Do not talk to other players in the same group, about things happening in the server, for example, a hyena won't tell its clan members if they found a kill or it found where the prey is. Even if you are hunting cooperatively you shouldn't tell packmates where to go or give info on the location of the prey. In other words, don't telepathically mention things animals wouldn't mention, these aren't humans and you aren't playing like one. [#Warning] [#Strike 1]
25 - Do not attack animals that do not represent a threat to you unless they come and invade your space, in that case, you can either give them a quick warning or attack them if they don't get it. [#Warning] [#Strike 1]
26 - If the player count on the server has not reached 30+ members in-game or you are not being pressured by competitors, you are to remain on the west side of the map ("Ndugu Kopjes" and "Gol Kopjes") until either factor appears. [#Warning] [#Strike 1]
27 - When travelling through tall grasses, more often in large open plains it's important to remember to try to and follow the trails made by other members of your group if you are not a solitary animal. However some large herds of herbivores usually can loosen this rule by having multiple sub-groups being created or have the lines loosen a little and not be so precise due to sheer amount of animals moving in the same direction.
1 - To register a character you need to get back to the discord server and go to the "animal-tag library" channel and register your character by following the format pinned in the channel itself. Once the moderators, admins, or owners have accepted your request you can create a group or join one.
2 - You cannot affect a recorded group in terms of the social structure unless you are also a recorded character, which means that you need to have a recorded character in order to affect the social structure of a recorded group. For example, an unrecorded lion cannot take over a recorded pride of lions, however, an unrecorded lion can kill a recorded painted wolf for example.
3 - If you claim a territory as a social group, you cannot claim that territory when you are not in-game.
4- If you're character unfortunately dies, you cannot save it, meaning that if it dies it's gone forever. However, there is always a way to actually get back into your group but unfortunately, some species cannot get back to their social rank if they die. For example, if you are an alpha-painted wolf in a recorded pack you cannot get back to that social rank, because of how that animal behaves.

1 - Territory marking is not in-game yet but you can always patrol the edges of your territories if asked in your profile.
2 - As any animal, you should only care about your territory and other territories that belong to other individuals of the same species as you. Other species' territories are not your concern and you shouldn't chase an animal out of your territory because you feel the need to.
3 - As a carnivore, you will only leave your territory at very desperate times or when your prey has unfortunately gone out of yours during a hunt, in this case, eat the kill and return to your turf as soon as possible, unless your profile states otherwise and you are not obligated to leave a territory immediately.
4 - Serengeti Seronera offers a wide variety of habitats, where different species of animals live and therefore you need to recognize those areas.

What's the interspecific competition?
Interspecific Competition means that you are competing for a resource (food, water, territory) with another species and would do anything to prevent the other species from getting access to that resource. To prevent those species from having access to those resources, animals act aggressively toward those species. Species that are competitive over another, will generally act aggressively against them by stealing their food, attacking or killing them if they are vulnerable, and even killing their offspring if they are vulnerable as well. In Serengeti Seronera, we have the same type of structure and follow it as accurately as possible to the animal's real-world counterparts. This means that you will have some animal species that are aggressive toward one another. To find out what your species is directly competitive with, check your specific species profile.
How do I act if I see an animal that I'm in competition with?
You can decide whether or not to give proper warnings to the species concerned or you can directly attack, that applies if you are stronger than them. If you are weaker you will try to do as many threatening displays as you can (calls, aggressive stance) and if it doesn't work you will most likely run or move away from the area they are in. Finally, if you are both quite evenly match you act aggressively towards each other doing threat displays, and if neither of you backs down you can fight.
Generally, herbivores are quite peaceful and not as aggressive even when in the presence of a species that they are in direct competition with (Cape Buffalo and Plains Zebra), especially during the wet season when vegetation and water is plentiful even the most aggressive herbivores won't show too much aggression towards one another unless they come in real contact. However, during the dry season, when resources are scares and rare, herbivores are competitive and will most likely attack each other more often.
Carnivores, on the other hand, are far more competitive than herbivores considering that most of them will look for hours even days to find something they can eat. So no matter the season carnivores and especially large ones will not hesitate to kill another carnivore that they compete with, youngsters are especially at stake because of their vulnerability. Carnivores generally don't eat a carnivore that they compete unless they are desperate.
Since omnivores have a really varied diet, so they rarely get into conflict with carnivores, herbivores, and other omnivores. Though sometimes if two omnivorous species want to have access to the same resource there might be some, otherwise they will be a middleground category of animals that really get into the real interspecific competition if one main resource is starting to get scarce or rarer.

1- Most of the bird species that we have in the game are diurnal, which means that they are only active during the day. This results in most of the species of birds in the game to stay in a tree or on the ground depending on the bird species and sleep until dawn. (Note: if you are extremely thirsty you are allowed to go get water, but you will not go feed even though you are starving) [#Warning]
2- Birds that fish are allowed to carry small fish into the trees to eat them, however, the bigger fishes are not allowed to be carried during a flight and not on top of a tree. [#Warning]
Here are the bird species that are not diurnal:
- Verreaux's eagle owl
3- Different bird species fly at altitudes, some fly very low to the ground like bateleur eagle or hornbills and some soar at very high altitude like vultures. This image will specificy at which altitude your bird should fly most of the time:

How do I become a Member?
In the Serengeti Seronera server, there is an implemented Guide Herd system. This means that Guides (certain staff members) will announce Guide Herds. The purpose of these herds is to teach Newbies how to play on our server by making a herd of Herbivores of one species. This allows Guides to work more closely with newbies to teach them the ropes of at least one animal and how to behave properly, familiarize them with how the server can work, etc. After a Newbie has played in the server for 2 weeks, participated in at least 2 Guide Herds, and the Guides in charge of the herds have said they did well, they will have a chance to get the Member role. Newbies have animal restrictions that will not apply when they reach Member; this is to ensure they're not instantly jumping on as more complex animals and possibly disrupting how the server runs.
List of Animals Newbies Cannot Play As:
- Plains zebra
- Topi antelope
- African Leopard
- Cape buffalo
- Maasai Giraffe
- Common Hippopotamus
- Nile crocodile
List of Animals Members Cannot Play As:
- African lion
- Painted Wolf
- Spotted hyena
How do I become a Senior member?
After successfully obtaining Member tag the next step would be Senior member, which allows you to play the most complex and most powerful animals in the game. To obtain it you will need just like Member tag to participate in a guide herd but one which was specifically announced for Member to obtain Senior member. Those guide herds are announced by experienced Guides, who will only give the tag to Members who have done zero to tiny mistakes with complex animals.
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