In African mythology, the hare is a clever creature that gifted humanity with the village, the drum, and music. It’s very difficult to count savanna hares in the wild, mostly because it’s difficult to distinguish from the Cape hare. However, scientists are confident that savanna hares are abundant. In some areas of their range

The African bush elephant is one of the most iconic herbivorous mammals of the African savanna. This large, tough, but also very intelligent pachyderm is one of the most complex and powerful animals that is available within the roster. Only senior members have access to this animal and for good reasons; its hyper-complex behavior and durability as a playable makes it an animal players must use with incredible caution.

The Black rhinoceros is a powerful but rather solitary browser that prefers the secluded Woodlands, forests, and sometimes kopjes as its main habitat. Due to its extremely bad temperament as an animal and extreme durability and strength, it is restricted to senior members only and is an animal to use with extreme caution.

The Hippopotamus is a gregarious semi-aquatic behemoth that inhabits the rivers and waterholes of the Serengeti. This social but territorial animal can be found in medium-sized groups. Due to its complex reactions to other animals, it is an animal that is restricted to member's only access. It is recommended that newly made members treat this playable with caution when using it.

The Maasai Giraffe is without a doubt one of the most iconic animals available in the roster for players to choose from when it comes to large herbivorous animals. With its highly specific diet and unique gameplay mechanic, the giraffe is without a doubt a great choice for players who would like to avoid dealing with a lot of predators while also being a rather gentle giant.

The African buffalo is a large territorial bovid that lives in large herds and likes grassland habitats but also roams woodlands and wetlands. Its unique complexity in terms of social behaviors and predator interaction makes this animal one of the hardest herbivores to play as. However it is without a doubt a fan favorite and I am sure a lot of people will play with this animal, however, caution is much required with this animal.

The Oryx is an elusive and rarely seen species in the Serengeti much like the Roan Antelope. These antelopes are recognizable by the long straight horns they harbor and are pretty social animals living in well structured herds all year around. The weaponry it habors makes it an especially hard to kill target for most predators once its a healthy adult. It is a well established playable and is guaranteed to impress players which would like to play a mix between a roan antelope and eland.

Blue wildebeest is the N°1 migratory animal in the entire roster, they are constantly on the move looking for fresh grasses and traveling in huge numbers that exceed any herbivore in the game. Aside from that wildebeest is a very tolerant and social grazer antelope, they can mix-herd with a lot of different species and are only on the menu for a few large carnivores when they reach adulthood. It has a very simple behavior overhaul and is a great animal for new members joining the server.

The Bohor reedbuck is a small-sized floodplain-dwelling herbivore that is pretty solitary and lives around water sources like waterholes or lakes. This solitary lifestyle can be a good choice for people casually playing on the server with no guides on and not having to worry to be social.

The Defassa Waterbuck is a large floodplain-based antelope, the males harbor large curved horns while females are completely hornless but their hooves are still deadly regardless. Being floodplain dwellers waterbucks are very prone to droughts and will, unfortunately, be in very bad condition if they don't get enough water during those hard times. Waterbuck provides a challenge for any player who would like to play a non-migratory dependant antelope.

The common eland is the second largest bovid in the roster, but unlike other large antelopes, elands prefer browsing over grazing most of the time making them prefer woodlands and wooded grasslands over open grasslands. This species is also seen joining the migration when trees and plants start to dry in the south being the last species to follow the migratory vanguard to the north. It's a large size and unique behavior will surely make Eland a fan-favoritete among players.

The common impala is a basic small sized herbivore that inhabits mostly wooded areas which makes its gameplay slightly different from other ungulates which prefer more open habitats. Having a pretty easy and not complex social behavior Impalas are fun animals to play to mess around and are a great species to choose when the ecosystem requires smaller herbivores to be around, as well showing the ropes for newbies who recently joined the server.

The Defassa Waterbuck is a large floodplain-based antelope, the males harbor large curved horns while females are completely hornless but their hooves are still deadly regardless. Being floodplain dwellers waterbucks are very prone to droughts and will, unfortunately, be in very bad condition if they don't get enough water during those hard times. Waterbuck provides a challenge for any player who would like to play a non-migratory dependant antelope.

The Grant's gazelle is basically a Thomson's gazelle juiced up, it's bigger in every aspect from the overhaul body size to the horn's length. Though this gazelle species is bigger it still falls prey to a majority of carnivores but can very well deliver injuries to its foes as a last resort. This gazelle is also almost as social as its smaller cousins and even mixes herds with them. The Grant's gazelle is overhauled a great animal for players to learn how the basics of herbivore defense

The hartebeest is a very close relative to the Topi antelope, however, it has some differences that make it unique among the roster's antelopes, first of all, they prefer arid and dry savanna environments over lush green grasslands, allowing to not compete for food with other herbivores which prefer fresh growth. Though it is as complex as Topis in its behaviors so this animal maybe also present a challenge to Newbies.

The Defassa Waterbuck is a large floodplain-based antelope, the males harbor large curved horns while females are completely hornless but their hooves are still deadly regardless. Being floodplain dwellers waterbucks are very prone to droughts and will, unfortunately, be in very bad condition if they don't get enough water during those hard times. Waterbuck provides a challenge for any player who would like to play a non-migratory dependant antelope.

Plains zebra are very social animals and build very tight bonds with each other so some members of the herd can defend each other and are very fun to play because they can defend themselves from almost any predator they have. They are also migratory and always move with other animals. Just like wildebeests, they are great introduction animals for the new members

Thomson's gazelle is are very flexible animals, they however generally do not defend from many things, and their main defense is running away and evading predators with sharp turns. They are also able to mix herd with a lot of herbivores species but are preyed even as adults by quite a lot of predators. They are a great starting animal for newbies that want to learn the basic rules as well as herbivore behavior.

The Topi antelope or Common tsessebe is the fastest herbivore in Africa, reaching speeds of around 43 to 50 Mph, making it almost as fast as the fastest land mammal, the African cheetah. Topis are very socially complex antelopes more so than any other antelope in the roster, which can present a challenge for newbies not used to complex behavior such as the Topi profile provides. It is nonetheless a very fun animal to play as but can represent a challenge for newbies to properly execute its behaviours

The gerenuk is an odd-looking animal, harboring a long neck it looks like a giraffe had a baby with an impala. Regardless of its odd-looking appearance Gerenuk offers varied gameplay and acts like a mini-giraffe, browsing mostly but can also turn into a grazer at times. This versatile gameplay is sure to give players a fun time with this antelope.

The Topi antelope or Common tsessebe is the fastest herbivore in Africa, reaching speeds of around 43 to 50 Mph, making it almost as fast as the fastest land mammal, the African cheetah. Topis are very socially complex antelopes more so than any other antelope in the roster, which can present a challenge for newbies not used to complex behavior such as the Topi profile provides. It is nonetheless a very fun animal to play as but can represent a challenge for newbies to properly execute its behaviours

The gerenuk is an odd-looking animal, harboring a long neck it looks like a giraffe had a baby with an impala. Regardless of its odd-looking appearance Gerenuk offers varied gameplay and acts like a mini-giraffe, browsing mostly but can also turn into a grazer at times. This versatile gameplay is sure to give players a fun time with this antelope.